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Pit Patrol
Phone (02) 6575 2800
Fax (02) 6575 2810
Pit Express
24/7 Hotshot Deliveries
Phone 0427 557 000
General Freight
Phone 0434 425 273
Pit Glass
Phone 0421 845 277
or 0421-8GLASS
Hunter Vehicle Services
Phone (02) 6572 2490
Express: 0427 557 000
Email: express@pitpatrol.com.au
General Freight: 0434 425 273
Email: dispatch@pitpatrol.com.au
PO Box 100,
Singleton NSW 2330, Australia
3/17 Enterprise Crescent
McDougalls Hill NSW 2330
205 Maitland Road
Hexham NSW 2332
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